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New Private Pilot – Alex Bonne
Feb 16 2022Private Pilot Checkride: February 11, 2022
Instructor: Ivan Stanojevic
Aircraft: Citarbria N990WY
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)

Congrats to Alex and CFI Ivan on a first-time pass on his Private Pilot checkride with DPE Tom Hornak! Alex earned his PPL in our Citabrias but will soon begin transitioning to his newly acquired Maule M7-235, which he also leases to us to train others in. Way to go, Alex!!!

First Solo Flight – Matt Cole
Nov 20 2019Solo Date: November 3, 2019
Aircraft: Citabria N2508Z
Instructor: Scott Holland
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
“My grandfather is one of my life mentors and some of my best memories growing up are of listening to his stories about flying an A-20 during WWII and the Korean War. For me, it has always been a life goal to become a pilot and to share that skill with my grandfather. Before he passed last March, I was able to tell him that I had begun training to become a Pilot. I’m excited to have gotten to this milestone and my wife and I are starting to plan out where we will fly after my training is finished.” ~Matt

New Private Pilot – Kaustubha Suresh Raut
Jul 29 2019Date: July 22, 2019
Certification: Private Pilot
Instructor: Jason Brown
Aircraft: Citabria N11681
“As a teenager I wanted to pursue a career in Aviation but things weren’t conducive for that back then in India. After moving to Bay Area 3 years ago, I decided to chase my childhood dream of flying and started training at Aerodynamic Aviation. Tailwheels were the obvious choice for me since very few schools actually offer training in them and I did not want to miss that opportunity. Balancing training and a full time job wasn’t easy but I was in good hands of CFI Jason Brown. I look forward to exploring California and many more places by air with friends and family.” ~Kaustubha Suresh Raut
Congrats on a first-time pass!!! You and Jason knocked it out of the park, complete with an awesome photo after the checkride 😉

New Private Pilot – Alex Teplixky
Sep 25 2018Date: September 16, 2018
Certification: Private Pilot
Instructor: Jason Brown
Aircraft: Citabria N9091L
While taking a sabbatical from work, and despite a month of travel during training, Alex completed an accelerated Private Pilot course in the Citabria and earned his license this month. Hard work and perseverance allowed him to achieve his goal. Special thanks to all the instructors who helped him get enough ground and flight hours to make this happen. Well done, Alex!!!

First Solo Flight – Ryann Powell
May 05 2018Aircraft: Citabria N2508Z
Solo Date: April 25, 2018
Instructor: Logan Wright
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Women are taking to the skies at Reid-Hillview! Ryann flew her solo flight in a taildragger around the pattern for 31R with instructor Logan watching and listening from below. Congrats to them both. We are so exciting to see this surge in female pilots. Go aviatrices!
“It didn’t occur to me that I could be a pilot until two years ago, after I watched a talk given by Space Shuttle astronaut Rhea Seddon. She mentioned getting her private license in college and it was the first time I realized I could do the same thing. I came to Aerodynamic late last year knowing absolutely nothing about aviation. The instructors and staff have been nothing short of amazing in helping me learn and grow as an aviator. Looking forward to finishing my private license and maybe someday teaching others how to fly taildraggers” ~Ryann

First Solo Flight – Jenna Hinton
May 02 2018Aircraft: Citabria N2508Z
Solo Date: April 8, 2018
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Instructors: Logan Wright & Adam Sciupac
Hooray to Jenna for completing her first solo flight…in a taildragger, no less! She showed the airplane who was boss when she flew 3 laps in the traffic pattern for 31 Right at Reid-Hillview Airport (KRHV) all by herself. Instructors Logan and Adam are proud of her accomplishment. Jenna has become part of the AeroDynamic pilot family, including flying along on our dinner fly-out to Napa. We wish her much success as she continues on to earn her pilot licenses.
“I had always had an interest in aviation and came to Aerodynamic with a small amount of experience in tricycle gear aircraft. After my first flight in a taildragger I was hooked! The Aerodynamic family and instructors provide a great environment for learning underlied by an invigorating passion for aviation. I’m looking forward to completing my PPL training and counting myself among the too few number of women in aviation!” ~Jenna

New Private Pilot – Vasu Murthy
Mar 15 2018Date: March 9, 2018
Certification: Private Pilot
Instructor: David Pease
Vasu came into Aerodynamic Aviation to take a couple of joyrides, but he found out it was so much fun that he decided to pursue his private pilot license and completed flight training in a taildragger. He initially trained with Logan and Lynzie. David Pease got him past solo and his check ride. We are happy and proud to have created another aviation addict!
Examiner: Scott Rohlfing
Aircraft: Citabria N9091L
Checkride Location:
San Jose, CA (KRHV)

New Private Pilot – Sergey Kataev
Mar 04 2018Date: February 27, 2018
Certification: Private Pilot
Instructor: Jason Brown
Another pilot earns his license in a taildragger! Congrats to Sergey for earning his Private Pilot Airplane certification with instructor Jason. Sergey has flown everything from light sport, ultra lights, gliders, Cessna to Citabria. He also has a UK glider license and plans to become certificated in the US to fly gliders as well. It’s great to be part of his aviation journey. Congrats!
Examiner: Scott Rohlfing
Aircraft: Citabria N9091L
Checkride Location:
San Jose, CA (KRHV)

First Solo Flight – Chris Severs
Feb 06 2018Aircraft: Citabria N2508Z
Instructor: Lynzie Hudson
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Solo Date: January 31, 2018
Citabria N2508Z has been busy! Our newest student pilot solo goes to Chris Severs, who took 08Z around the pattern a few times on his first tailwheel solo. Chris began flight training many years ago in a Diamond Katana in SoCAL and recently started training for his Private Pilot Certificate in a tailwheel with Lynzie. Nicely done!

First Solo Flight – Adnan Pratama
Jan 31 2018Aircraft: Citabria N2508Z
Instructor: Logan Wright
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Solo Date: January 15, 2018
Citabria Zero-Eight-Zulu solos its first student pilot with us! We love seeing tailwheel student pilots take to the air with an empty backseat, and Adnan did an excellent job navigating the traffic pattern at Reid-Hillview with proud CFI Logan watching from the side of the runway. Get ready, Adnan, the checkride isn’t far away now!