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Advanced Training – Jen Watson
Jun 27 2019We are big advocates of continued training for pilots at every level. Whether this means pushing your comfort level with spin training, taming the taildragger by earning a tailwheel endorsement or adding a new rating to your license, we also like to practice what we preach by encouraging our instructors to know and do more advanced training.
This month, our Chief Instructor Jen traveled south to Sean Tucker’s Academy of Aviation Safety (Tutima) to train in a Pitts S2-C with airshow pilot and unlimited category aerobatic competition pilot Yuichi Takagi. During their 8 flights in 4 days, Jen learned intermediate aerobatic maneuvers including rolling turns, avalanche, Chinese loop, accelerated snap rolls, inverted flat & accelerated spins, plus many more. He also demonstrated some of his more exciting airshow maneuvers including the famous Lomcevak (aerial cartwheel). Although she teaches aerobatics in her Decathlon and has done aerobatic competitions, Jen also knows that every pilot should continue their portfolio and push the envelope to expand their comfort level.
We are lucky to have Yuichi teach spins, upset recovery and basic aerobatics with us on occasion. You can also fly the Pitts or Extra with him in King City by scheduling with Tutima. Follow Yuichi in his Pitts through RedFox Airshows. Thanks for the most amazing training, Yuichi!