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New Private Pilot – Jenna Graham
Dec 29 2022Private Pilot Checkride: December 7, 2022
Instructor: Scott Williams
Aircraft: Citabria N990WY
School Location: San Jose, CA (KSJC)
Just a short while after completing her first solo, Jenna devoted every moment of her free time (and some not-so-free time) to studying and flying. It paid off with a first-time pass of her Private Pilot checkride with Alaska DPE Carol. We are incredibly proud of her achievement. It gives us some big bragging rights, too 😉 Way to go, Jenna!!!

First Solo Flight – Ian Roe
Dec 19 2022Solo Date: November 19, 2022
Aircraft: Citabria N990WY
Instructor: Scott Williams
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
We love helping people achieve their dreams, and flying a taildragger around San Jose with an empty back seat tops our list of very cool things to do. Congrats to Ian and CFI Scott for checking this box off his list. Whoot whoot!

New Private Pilot – Ruofan Ding
May 31 2022Private Pilot Checkride: May 18, 2022
Instructors: Grainne Gilvarry & Lynzie Hudson
Aircraft: Citabria N990WY
Checkride Location: Sacramento, CA (KMCC)
Congrats to Ruofan for achieving the dream – earning his Private Pilot certificate in a taildragger! This new pilot has already been spotted taking his wife flying. Way to exercise those new privileges!

First Solo Flight – Mikhail Mikhaylov
Jan 24 2020Solo Date: January 18, 2020
Aircraft: Citabria N990WY
Instructor: Batelle Waksberg
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
“I remember being interested in airplanes since I was a young kid. My grandpa would take me to UWGG/GOJ and we would watch planes land, taxi and take off. When not at the airport, the aviation would turn my head up with windows-rattling sonic booms coming from silver tips of bright white contrails. As life went on, flying remained just a dream. I want to think that now is a great time to finally live it.” ~Mikhail