Cessna 172RG
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New Commercial Pilot – Nick Vandevoorde
Oct 03 2017Date: September 14, 2017
Instructor: David Waksberg
Certification: Commercial Pilot
Congrats to Nick for earning his Commercial Pilot License! After Private Pilot and Instrument Rating, the Commercial license is the next step in becoming a professional pilot – it allows you to be paid to fly. From this achievement, pilots can continue on to either earn their CFI (Certificated Flight Instructor) or become a commercial operator flying tours, cargo, skydivers, etc. We wish Nick lots of success in his future and were glad to be a part of it!
Examiner: Jeff Hitzberg
Aircraft: Cutlass N616SF
Checkride Location:
Hayward, CA (KHWD)

New Commercial Pilot – Saul Meza
Aug 14 2017Date: August 3, 2017
Instructor: Lynzie Hudson
Certification: Commercial Pilot
Congratulations to Saul Meza, who passed his Commercial ASEL checkride in Cessna 737ZD. Saul worked hard for this checkride and deserved his pass! Well done.
Saul is headed to Peru to relax with his girlfriend after spending the last month at Aerodynamic Aviation, San Jose, training for his single engine checkride with CFI Lynzie Hudson.
Examiner: Eric Cook
Aircraft: Cessna N737ZD
Checkride Location:
San Jose, CA (KRHV)

New Commercial Pilot – Adjie Pamungkas
Aug 08 2017Date: August 1, 2017
Instructor: David Waksberg
Certification: Commercial Pilot

Examiner: Jeff Heitzeberg
Aircraft: Cessna N4604V
Checkride Location:
Hayward, CA (KHWD)

Toyota Financial Group visits Monterey!
Jul 26 2017AeroDynamic Aviation sends a big “thank you” to Toyota Financial Group for an awesome introductory flight event. We had twelve of our airplanes and 13 of our instructors on a gorgeous blue-sky day at our Monterey location. Each of the participants had a different favorite moment but all expressed their appreciation for the professional instructors that delivered an experience they will never forget. They have already booked next year, and we can not wait for the next event!
A special thanks to our flight instructors for all their hard work and adventurous spirit (Jim, Jason, David, Batelle, Lynzie, Ron, Larry, Adam, Kendall, Jamie, and Carol) and Paul Tanks for an informative one-hour ground school for our first-time student pilots, 16 in all. Way to pull together, team!

New Commercial Pilot – Gordon Landale
Oct 17 2016Date: October 23, 2016
Instructor: Jen Delp-Mallet
Location: Monterey, CA (KMRY)
Certification: Commercial ASEL
Look at that smile! Gordon completed his Commercial Airplane Single-Engine Land pilot certificate on a blustery Friday afternoon with Designated Pilot Examiner Eric Cook out of Paso Robles. After nailing Eights-on-Pylons and the infamous Power-off 180, Gordon is now able to fly for hire! In fact, we just hired him to fly tours out of Monterey 🙂
Congrats on all your hard work. Now…on to the CFI!

First Solo – Brett Feldman
Feb 11 2016
Bret Feldman flew Cessna 61637 in the afternoon of February 3, all by himself! His flight instructor, Batelle wached her student fly the traffic pattern at Reid-Hillview airport on runway 31R. After Brett returned, our newest Commercial Pilot, Chadrac, brought pizzas to celebrate passing his Commercial Pilot check ride. Congrats to both!
Commercial Checkride Pass – Geoff Rapoport
Jun 25 2015Congratulations to Geoff Rapoport on passing his Commercial checkride with DPE Yuzo Wakita! Geoff has been working with CFI Mark Guererro and CFI Sergey Sinyachkin to perfect his commercial maneuvers.
New AeroDynamic Instructor
May 13 2015Congratulations to Casey Walker and his CFI Jen Delp-Mallet!!
AeroDynamic is pleased to announce we have a new instructor joining our ranks! Casey initially completed his tailwheel training with us, and yesterday finished his CFI (flight instructor) checkride with Jordan from SJC FSDO. You will find Casey teaching primarily at our Monterey and Salinas locations, and soon he will be teaching in our tailwheel aircraft at all 3 locations. Great job on all the hardwork, Casey!
AOPA Writes About Our Chief!
Apr 19 2015Something seems very right with the universe. Amelia Reid founded her flight school, Amelia Reid Aviation (now AeroDynamic Aviation) in 1960 because she wanted to have time for her son. Jennifer Delp Mallet gave up a career with the airlines and became a flight instructor for the exact same reason!
Fifty five years after its founding, Jen is now the Chief Instructor and co-owner of AeroDynamic Aviation, continuing the tradition of good old fashioned stick and rudder flight training. Jen loves flying and teaching in old taildraggers as much as in the latest glass cockpit carbon fiber wonder planes.
Read the AOPA article here
AeroDynamic has now opened up branches at Salinas and Monterey airports. We have hosted an AOPA Rusty Pilot Seminar at Monterey, and we are working with AOPA and Salinas Airport to help make the AOPA regional fly in a success in May.
A New CFI! Congrats Sarah!
Jan 22 2015Congratulations to Sarah Memmer who passed her CFI checkride with Jeff Ebey! Sarah has been working diligently the last few months with CFII Jen Delp-Mallet.
We wish her the best of luck in the adventures of instructing!