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Aerobatic Seminar with SCFC
Sep 14 2021Our Chief Instructor, Jen Watson, and Assistant Chief Instructor, Lynzie Hudson, were honored to work with San Carlos Flight Center to present the webinar “Introduction to Aerobatic Flying.” You can view the 1-hour video presentation below.
For those interested in Aerobatics, Spin or Upset Recovery training, please contact our office for details on the variety of training we offer.
San Carlos Flight Center (SCFC) hosts a wide variety and frequent WINGS seminars and webinars. Please click here to visit their website for current events.

Our Chief Instructor, Jen Watson, earns “Master CFI”
Jan 24 2020AeroDynamic’s Chief Flight Instructor, Jen Watson, has been awarded Master CFI accreditation by the National Association of Flight Instructors (NAFI). This distinction is held by only an average of 300 flight instructors per year!
“The NAFI Master Flight Instructor designation is a national accreditation for aviation educators that is based on a system of advanced professional standards and peer review. The designation is granted by NAFI and has two levels: the NAFI Associate Master Flight Instructor, and the NAFI Master Flight Instructor or Master Ground Instructor. These accreditation’s publicly recognize aviation educators who demonstrate an ongoing commitment to excellence, professional growth, and service to the aviation community, and they set professional standards to which all professional aviation instructors and educators can aspire.
Both levels of the accreditation process focus primarily on the individual’s training activity and evaluation of pilots as well as his or her experience—the foundations of what an instructor is able to pass along to his or her students. They emphasize active instruction and pilot evaluation, not simply taking courses or the tenure of an individual’s instructor certificate. They are not honorary awards that recognize long-time service; rather, they are recognition for the individual who continues to practice aviation education at the highest level.
Accreditation requires a rigorous process of on-going professional activity. Like a flight instructor certificate, NAFI Master Instructor accreditation’s must be renewed every 24 months to assure a dedication to continuous involvement.”

Advanced Training – Jen Watson
Jun 27 2019We are big advocates of continued training for pilots at every level. Whether this means pushing your comfort level with spin training, taming the taildragger by earning a tailwheel endorsement or adding a new rating to your license, we also like to practice what we preach by encouraging our instructors to know and do more advanced training.
This month, our Chief Instructor Jen traveled south to Sean Tucker’s Academy of Aviation Safety (Tutima) to train in a Pitts S2-C with airshow pilot and unlimited category aerobatic competition pilot Yuichi Takagi. During their 8 flights in 4 days, Jen learned intermediate aerobatic maneuvers including rolling turns, avalanche, Chinese loop, accelerated snap rolls, inverted flat & accelerated spins, plus many more. He also demonstrated some of his more exciting airshow maneuvers including the famous Lomcevak (aerial cartwheel). Although she teaches aerobatics in her Decathlon and has done aerobatic competitions, Jen also knows that every pilot should continue their portfolio and push the envelope to expand their comfort level.
We are lucky to have Yuichi teach spins, upset recovery and basic aerobatics with us on occasion. You can also fly the Pitts or Extra with him in King City by scheduling with Tutima. Follow Yuichi in his Pitts through RedFox Airshows. Thanks for the most amazing training, Yuichi!

New Private Pilot – Thao Do
May 15 2018Date: May 9, 2018
Certification: Private Pilot
Instructor: All of Us!
Aircraft: Cessna N915L
For Thao’s birthday in 2015, her brother gave her a gift certificate to fly aerobatics at Aerodynamic Aviation with Chief Instructor Jen. It was the greatest experience of her life. Jen took her up in the Decathlon 8KCAB and they flew aerobatic maneuvers like hammerheads, Cuban 8, Shark’s Tooth, Humpty-Bumpty, barrel rolls, stalls, and spins. She even taught Thao how to perform a loop. Thao was hooked. Thao returned to AeroDynamic as a student pilot and has “flown” through her training like a women possessed by aviation. As icing on the cake, just after her checkride in Salinas, Thao met her idol – airshow performer Sean Tucker. What a way to finish up her license! Thao is already continuing on to earn her ground instructor certificates. We hope she will come teach for us one day 🙂

FAA Safety – Emergency Bailout
May 12 2016WINGS Seminar
Emergency Bailout
You have just experienced a mid-air collision, a wing is gone and you are spinning towards the ground! You have just seconds to react…what is the first thing you need to do?
Thanks to Master Parachute Rigger, Allen Silver, attendees of our FAA Safety – Emergency Bailout – seminar now have a better understanding of how to correctly don, use, steer, and get out of a parachute once they have bailed out of an aircraft. Allen delighted the crowd with funny anecdotes and sayings. Taking place in the AeroDynamic hangar, Allen gave an interactive presentation including choosing a “victim” to actually deploy a parachute. Thanks to everyone who participated!
Participants were also treated to our free 2nd Saturday BBQ food. Every second Saturday of the month we cook up hamburgers and hotdogs, and provide snacks all free of charge. It’s a great opportunity to socialize with instructors, staff, owners, and other pilots. Come by next time!

New Aerobatic Video!
Mar 11 2016Interested in Aerobatics?
See what an Intro to Aerobatics flight and Competition Aerobatic Training will entail in this video. We include a flight within an aerobatic box of the IAC 2015 Sportsman Sequence flown in a 150-hp Bellanca Decathlon. For more information, visit our Intro to Aerobatics webpage or Aerobatic Training webpage.
To learn more about competition aerobatics, visit the
International Aerobatic Club’s (IAC) website.
Here are samples of Aresti symbols and judge’s sheets used for the 2015 Sportsman sequence
AOPA Writes About Our Chief!
Apr 19 2015Something seems very right with the universe. Amelia Reid founded her flight school, Amelia Reid Aviation (now AeroDynamic Aviation) in 1960 because she wanted to have time for her son. Jennifer Delp Mallet gave up a career with the airlines and became a flight instructor for the exact same reason!
Fifty five years after its founding, Jen is now the Chief Instructor and co-owner of AeroDynamic Aviation, continuing the tradition of good old fashioned stick and rudder flight training. Jen loves flying and teaching in old taildraggers as much as in the latest glass cockpit carbon fiber wonder planes.
Read the AOPA article here
AeroDynamic has now opened up branches at Salinas and Monterey airports. We have hosted an AOPA Rusty Pilot Seminar at Monterey, and we are working with AOPA and Salinas Airport to help make the AOPA regional fly in a success in May.
Parisian Pilot’s Taildragger Trip
Jan 14 2015We recently had the pleasure of hosting a Parisian Pilot with a thirst for taildraggers. Olivier Barloy visited from Paris to try out the art of taildragging.
He flew every member of our Champion family with several of our instructors. Citabrias with Grainne, Kendall, Mark and Jim, the Decathlon for some spins, loops and rolls with Jim, and at the end the classic 1946 Aeronca Champ with Zdravko.
A perfect final flight for a week of taildragger adventures. Olivier more than earned his tailwheel endorsement!
IAC Aerobatic Competition
Jun 01 2014Congratulations to AeroDynamic CFI Mark Guerrero, who competed in the IAC aerobatic competition at Coalinga and missed first place by just a few points!
New Taildragger Pilot: Andrea Dworshak
Jun 03 2011Andrea is working on her instrument rating and decided that taming a taildragger would make a nice break.
Not only did she tame a taildragger in two thirds of average time, but then she also took on some aerobatics. Well done Andrea and AeroDynamic CFI Mark Guerrero.